2018 is ending and there is an opportunity to start a new beginning with 2019. we all can do alot of new things starting this new year. but today in this video i will tell just one things that i will personally start doing and strongly recommend you to do the same. The habit that i am talking about today is called “JOURNALLING”. journalling is a very old and common habit used by many success people from ages. e.g leonardo da vinci, thomas edison, mahatma gandhi, oprah winfrey, bill gates, john d rockefeller, now i will share 5 important points related to this habit which will help you to understand the importance and procedure to use this habit and get success.
Practice Makes Perfect
Self-esteem is not an idea or an affirmation. It’s a practice.
Remember it’s not about memorizing inspiring words or having stimulating conversations, it’s about practicing and living our core truths.
1. The Practice of Living Consciously
The practice of living consciously is the first pillar of self-esteem.
Throughout the book, Branden writes about the practice of sentence completions as a powerful tool for living more consciously.
“Sentence-completion work is a deceptively simple yet uniquely powerful tool for raising self-understanding, self-esteem and personal effectiveness. It rests on the premise that all of us have more knowledge than we normally are aware of — more wisdom than we use, more potential than typically shows up in our behavior. Sentence completion is a tool for accessing and activating these ‘hidden resources.’”
Basic idea: Take a sentence stem (like “Living consciously to me means . . .”) and create six to 10 completions of that sentence. The only rule is that each ending needs to create a grammatical sentence. Write quickly, don’t stop to think, and as Branden advises: “Any ending is fine, just keep going.”
Try these on:
• If I bring 5 percent more awareness to my activities today . . .
• If I pay more attention to how I deal with people today . . .
• If I bring 5 percent more awareness to my insecurities then . . .
• If I bring 5 percent more awareness to my priorities then . . .
2. The Practice of Self-Acceptance
Branden beautifully articulates the need to practice self-acceptance: “We can run not only from our dark side but also from our bright side — from anything that threatens to make us stand out or stand alone, or that calls for the awakening of the hero within us, or that asks that we break through to a higher level of consciousness and reach a higher ground of integrity. The greatest crime we commit against ourselves is not that we may deny or disown our shortcomings, but that we deny and disown our greatness — because it frightens us.”
In addition to the acceptance of our light, he advises us that “nothing does as much for an individual’s self-esteem as becoming aware of and accepting disowned parts of the self. The first steps of healing and growth are awareness and acceptance — consciousness and integration.”
3. The Practice of Self-Responsibility
“I am responsible for my choices and actions,” Branden writes. “To be ‘responsible’ in this context means responsible not as the recipient of moral blame or guilt, but responsible as the chief causal agent in my life and behavior.”
We’re responsible when we’re able to respond to life’s challenges as healthy, autonomous human beings — not as victims, blaming this or that for our challenges, but as individuals who own our abilities to manifest our desires as we engage in life.
4. The Practice of Self-Assertiveness
“To practice self-assertiveness is to live authentically, to speak and act from my innermost convictions and feelings — as a way of life, as a rule,” Branden notes.
The essence of this pillar is to be real. To drive this point home, remember the idea that “authentic” and “author” come from the same root. To be authentic is literally to be the author of your own story. Are you?
Branden continues: “Warren Bennis [the founding chairman of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California and a pioneer in the contemporary field of leadership studies] tells us that the basic passion in the best leaders he has studied is for self-expression. Their work is clearly a vehicle for self-actualization. Their desire is to bring ‘who they are’ into the world, into reality, which I speak of as the practice of self-assertiveness.”
5. The Practice of Living Purposefully
“To live purposefully,” Branden explains, “is to use our powers for the attainment of goals we have selected: the goal of studying, of raising a family, of starting a new business, of solving a scientific problem, of building a vacation home, of sustaining a happy romantic relationship. It is our goals that lead us forward, that call on the exercise of our faculties, that energize our existence.”
So, what are your goals? What deeply inspires you? These aren’t things that you think would impress others, but the visions that deeply resonate with your highest values and ideals.
Branden notes: “People rarely ask themselves, ‘If my goal is to have a successful relationship, what must I do? What actions are needed to create and sustain trust, intimacy, continuing self-disclosure, excitement, growth?’”
First question: What do you want? Second question: What must you do? As Branden reminds us: “Purposes unrelated to a plan of action do not get realized. They exist as frustrated yearnings.”
6. The Practice of Personal Integrity
Without practicing personal integrity, the preceding practices disintegrate. “Integrity is the integration of ideals, convictions, standards, beliefs — and behavior,” writes Branden. “When our behavior is congruent with our professed values, when ideals and practice match up, we have integrity.”
Do your ideals, convictions, standards, beliefs and behavior all line up?
And, perhaps even more important, do you have a sense of what your ideals, convictions, standards and beliefs are to use as a basis for measuring how you’re doing?
Small Improvements, Big Results
Branden writes. “Small improvements make a difference.”
Perfection is not the standard we’re looking for here.
Communication and
people skills are very important in all of our lives. But still very few of us
are really pro in these field hence today in this how to attract people in 30
second video will share 5 techniques, tricks
and ways shared by author John C Maxwell. Top 5
tricks share here are:
1- 30 Second Rule : Attention > Affirmation >Appreciation 2- Let People Know You Need Them 3- Create Memories 4- Compliment Others In Front Of Others 5- Right Words At Right Time : A) Context And B) Say With Heart Chapter wise Summary:
Here Author says that you can’t give what you don’t have and
your relationship can only be as healthy as you are, hence if you want to make
people around you feel good or great then you first need to start with
yourself, before making anybody feel good, then you must become a great human
being first, you need to solve your life problems first and should look for
improvement areas in yourself first.
Chapter 2: THE 30 SECOND RULE
Here author says that in the first 30 seconds of your
conversation with someone, you must say something good or encouraging to them
because once saying good and encouraging becomes your habit then people will
light up when you will walk in any room.
AUTHOR Has also shared the way you can make it a habit,
author says that to open calendar every day and look at the people you will be
going to meet during the day, when you know whom you will be going to meet then
plan something encouraging to say, it can be anything,like can think about the thing which they
have done for you or what you find good in them or for what things you are
thankful to them or about their accomplishments etc.
Author says that every individual in this world likes to
feel helpful and needed, hence in order to maintain a healthy and positive
relationship with people you must think that who can be helpful in your life,
who can support you throughout your life, whose support motivates you and once
you know that then go to them and tell them how much they mean to you.
Author says that you must create something memorable with
people around you, make those memorable moments your memories, make those
memories immortalize, save them by clicking pictures, and whenever you want to
feel blessed and happy revisit those memories by seeing those pictures, show
those pictures to people whom you had those wonderful memories, talk about
those memories laugh about them, relive those stories together, this thing will
make you feel happy and will create a strong bond.
Giving a compliment to someone is the best way to make
someone or others feel good, But compliment becomes more powerful and genuine
when it is given to someone in front of many people, when you compliment
someone In front of public, then that person will do his best to uphold it,
that person will always behave in line with that compliment, hence always try
to compliment someone in public.
Here author says that giving a reputation to uphold
leverages the commitment and consistency, Maxwell says that a great way to do
it is to actually find a nickname for the person that will embody a quality
they possess. And then use that nickname or repeat their quality often so that
it will get associated with them.
Here author says that you must ask people to share their
dreams with you, ask them what all challenges they face and try to overcome and
ones they tell you then offer them genuine advise and give them some useful
tips, always help someone with genuine heart never be disloyal with someone
Author says that great leaders become great only when they
take the blame when things go wrong and give credit when things go right,
unsuccessful people blame when things go wrong and take credit when they win,
your life is 100 percent your responsibility hence take the blame for every
wrong move and give credit to others whose support made you reach the top, this
will help you in long-term success.
When you share your secret to someone, then that thing will
make other people feel special and close to you, you can make it more powerful
by saying that I shared it only with you because I trust you, this will improve
your relationship and can form a strong bond.
Helping others to get their goals will for sure strengthen
your relationship, and if you do so in a way that they couldn’t have done by
themselves, they will be even more thankful to you, hence help someone with a
genuine heart.
১৯৮৯ সালে লন্ডনের এলবার্ট কলেজে থেকে হার্ট সার্জারীতে গোল্ড মেডেল পেয়ে দুইজন ডাক্তার নিজ নিজ দেশে ফেরৎ যান। এদেরই একজন ডা. দেবী শেঠি। কোলকাতাতে ফিরে কাজ শুরু করে পরে নিজের এলাকাতে চলে যান।
১৯৯৭ সালে বাবাকে নিয়ে তার হাসপাতালে এক মাস থেকেছি। তখন দেখেছি একজন ডাক্তার কেবল কথা বলে কেমন করে রোগীকে আপন করে নেন।
তিনি একজন সার্জন। এমনিতে স্টেথো ঝুলিয়ে রোগীকে নিজের হাতে দেখার কোন কারণ নেই। উনি দেখার আগেই প্রায় সব টেস্টের রেজাল্ট, ভিডিও তার কাছে থাকে। উনি একজ্যাক্টলি জানেন তার রোগীর কী লাগবে। তারপরও তিনি বাবাকে দেখলেন। কাগজের প্যাডে হার্টের ছবি একে দেখালেন কোথায় সমস্যা। বাবা বললেন ওষুধ খেলে সারবে কী না? বললেন- ওষুধ খেলে সারবে না। অপারেশন করতে হবে। বললেন আপনি মন স্থির করে আসুন। আমাকে বললেন - বাবাকে নিয়ে ক'দিন এখানে থাকুন। তারপর আবার দেখবো। বলে নিজের আসন থেকে উঠে আসলেন। নিজেই বাবাকে হাত ধরে চেয়ার থেকে তুললেন। এবং নিজের হাতে চেম্বারের দরজা খুলে দিলেন।
সো সিম্পল!
বাইপা সার্জারির পর বাবাকে নিযে ফিরে আসি। বছর দেড়েক পরে বাবা একদিন ফোন করে জানালেন তিনি দেখেছেন ডা. শেঠি ঢাকায় আসবেন। আমি যেন একটা এপয়েন্টমেন্টের চেষ্টা করি। কিন্তু ততোদিনে ওনার সব এপয়েন্টমেন্ট শেষ। বাবা শুনলেন না। ঢাকায় আসলেন। বললেন, আমি যেন তাকে নিযে যায়। গাড়ি থেকে নেমে হাসপাতালে ঢোকার মুখে এমন কোন জায়গায় দাড়াতে যেন ডা. বাবাকে দেখতে পান।
তো, বাবার পাগলামিতে আমি সায় দিলাম। আমি আর বাবা দাড়ায় আছি সেন্ট্রাল হাসপাতালের সামনে। গাড়ি থেকে নেমে বের হয়ে একটু ঘুরতেই বাবাকে দেখলেন ড. শেঠি। এবা সবাকে (আমাকে সহ) অবাক করে দিযে বাবার দিকে আগায় আসলেন ও হাত বাড়িয়ে দিলেন - হাও আর ইয়ু মি. হক?
ত্রস্থ আয়োজক ভলান্টিয়ার দ্রুত রশি সরিয়ে নিয়ে দেবি শেঠিকে বাবার কাছে আসতে দিলেন। ডা বাবার হাত ধরে রাখলেন এবং বাবাকে নিয়েই হাসপাতালে ঢুকলেন। আমার দিকে তাকিয়ে বললেন- কাম অন ইয়াং ম্যান!
অন্য রোগীদের দেখার আগে বাবাকে দেখলেন। আমার কাছে রাখা বাবার ফাইল দেখলেন। তারপর বললেন - ইয়ু আর ফাইন, মি হক।
আমাকে বললেন - বাবাকে নিয়ে ব্যাঙ্গালোরে যেতে হবে না। হি ইজ ফাইন। তারপর আয়োজকদের বললেন উনি যদি আসেন আবার তাহলে যেন আমাকে খবর দেওয়া হয়।
তারপর যথারীতি নিজের চেযার ছেড়ে উঠলেন। বাবাকে চেয়ার থেকে উঠালেন এবং নিজেই চেম্বারের দরজা খুলে দিলেন!!!
ব্যাঙ্গালোরে এবং ম্যাঙ্গালোরে নিজের শহরে ২২ বছর আগে শেঠীকে দেখতাম কেডস, জিনস পড়ে হাসপাতালে আসতেন! এবং রাস্তায় বা লবিতে অনেকের সঙ্গেই আলাপ করতেন। যে ক'দিন আমার সঙ্গে দেখা হয়েছে সব ক'দিনই তিনি আমাকে সন অব মি. হক হিসাবে আইডেন্টিফাই করেছেন!!!
১৯৮৯ সালে দ্বিতীয় যে ডাক্তারটি গোল্ড মেডেল নিয়ে বাংলাদেশে এসেছিলেন তার নাম আমার নেটওয়ার্কের কেউ বলতে পারবেন কিনা সেটা নিয়ে আমার যথেষ্ট সন্দেহ আছে। ভদ্রমহিলা মোটেই কথা বলেন না। গেলে মাত্র একটা ইসিজি করেন নিজে। তেমন কিছু বলেন না। চাচীকে নিয়ে ঐ ডাক্তারের কাছেও আমার যাওয়ার অভিজ্ঞতা হয়েছে। এবং বের হওয়ার পর মনে হতো একই সোনার পদক পাওয়া দুজনের অবস্থা দুরকম।
একজন হয়েছেন "মনুষ্যরূপী দেবতা" আর একজন না হয় নাই বললাম।
আজ সকাল থেকে বাবার কথা অনেক মনে পড়েছে। বাবা যতোদিন বেঁচে ছিলেন সবসময় শেঠির কথা বলতেন। কেমন কের ডা. নিজে উঠে এসে রোগীকে দরজা খুলে দেন, এগিয়ে দেন।
Time is the most precious
commodity that we have. If we don't use it properly we can seriously destroy
our life hence it is important to learn how to stop wasting time. How to not
waste time? How to use time properly? How to execute our goals? Here in this
video i will share 4 disciple of execution which will help you to complete your
goals by actually taking actions.
The law of attraction is one of
the most prevalent principles in the world.
In order to use the law of
attraction, you must think about what you want, not what you want to
The three steps of the law of
attraction are asking, believing, and receiving.
Ask. This is about being specific in what you want out of
life. Vague
questions get vague answers. Use a present tense structure and write down what you want from a perspective of gratitude: “I’m
grateful to have [INSERT DESIRE].”
Believe. If you don’t have unwavering faith in your goal, why
should others? This is about radiating confidence, so that the people you
meet along the way will support you. Don’t be blindly optimistic, but in a
go-getter spirit.
Receive. Imagine how you’ll feel once you accomplish your
goal. What would life be like? Visualize. This’ll prime your actions in
the right direction.